In honor of opening day for the Royals I thought I would post this image of an early design phase model of
Kauffman Stadium. Notice that the ground level bowl wraps the entire field and that the signature fountains are not yet thought of. The spiral ramps are only one level high and the backwards cantilever of the upper deck is minimal compared to the final dramatic cantilever built. Also missing is the sexy upper deck canopy and lighting standards. The iconic crown scoreboard has not taken shape yet because this model was built at about the time the Kansas City A's left for Oakland. To the left one can see the first version of the infamous rolling roof, designed to cover either Arrowhead or
Kauffman. What is most apparent in this model is the dramatic sculptural form of Kansas City's unique stadium beginning to take shape.
Consider this image a teaser for many more great
Kivett and Myers images that will be appearing soon thanks to
KCMODERN reader Chris
Name: Model of Kauffman Stadium
Opened as Royals Stadium
Part of the Truman Sports Complex
Kivett and Myers
Year Designed: circa 1968
Builder: Unknown
Year Completed: Spring 1973
Size: N/A
Location: Kansas City, MO
Type: Outdoor Baseball Stadium
Brutalist Modern
Status: Altered
Photographer: Unknown