You may have driven by this house before, if you drove by 80th and Grand in KCMO. Located in an older working class neighborhood with all house types, many being "dinky" little cottages with just a few hundred square feet of space...then you come across this Prairie style house...Designed by an architectural student/apprentice for the current owners, built in 1991 with move-in in 1992. On a double lot this all-brick house with a low-slung hipped roof commands it's corner location. Very derivitive of turn of the 20th century work in Chicago...I talked to the proud owners, who said they wanted a Frank Lloyd Wright "looking" house. They said they spent a lot of time researching publications on Wright, the Robie house and other examples of his Prairie period. I was surprised to hear, with the exterior it has, the interior has no Prairie School elements...no extensive woodwork, no fireplace (?), etc. Now I know why I never saw a chimney.

Below- Side and rearview of house. Like a "three little pigs" house it screams shelter!